

Property Managers

Are you a property manager looking for ways to cut costs while reducing time spent doing "busy" work? Are you doing all you can to take advantage of the web to help your company save money?

With the help of OurHoaSite, you can help eliminate those time consuming calls asking when the next board meeting will be or who they should contact for a specific issue. OurHoaSite allows the property manager or a board member to maintain the information on their homeowners' association's website. Publish a newsletter, add important contacts (board members, management company, gas company, etc.), links, upload forms and documents, add events to your community's calendar, and other miscellaneous information all instantly by logging into the admin portal of your site. This information is available immediately to the homeowners' without any wait. Save time and money by uploading a copy of the property's by-laws and allow homeowners the ability to read and print it themselves.

Companies that offer a website to their properties have a greater chance of retaining those properties. After all the data has been entered and the forms, documents and pictures have been uploaded, the site becomes a huge benefit to the community. There are many sites that offer homeowner association websites, but they charge more depending on the size of your property and then increase the price for hosting, updates, modules, monthly fees and then you have to wait for a developer to make the changes. We charge one flat rate per year ($249 per property) regardless of the size of the community, there are no hidden fees or extra charges and best of all, the content of the site can be updated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from any computer, smartphone or tablet with an internet connection.

Reduce clerical work around the office and get your properties on OurHoaSite today!

If you're researching websites for one of your properties, email them our Overview Handout for more details.

See how OurHoaSite works!

Live Demonstration Available!

For a live demonstration of OurHoaSite, go to www.ourhoasite.com/IL/DemoEstates/

  • Click the Login link (top right corner)
  • Login: demo@ourhoasite.com
  • Password: demo
Special Offer - Property management companies with 10 (ten) or more properties can receive discounted pricing when ordered at the same time. Contact us for more details.